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School of Tourism & Aviation
来源:  作者:  编辑:管理员  日期:2023-04-20  点击率:1278  [我要打印]  [关闭]



Stick to modern Chinese characteristic socialism educational policy, School of Tourism & Aviation opened two majors: Air Crew Service and High-speed Railway Passenger Service. Based on implementing academic education, proactively developing vocational skill training and certification education to fully adapt to economic development and meet the demand of employment posts, aiming to cultivate high-quality talents for Aviation, High-Speed Railway and Metro industry. Graduates can be recommended to various kinds of aviation company, railway administration or related enterprises all over the country. Since the establishment, the school build up numbers of in-campus comprehensive training bases which is modernized, specialized and highly with professionalization and informationization, so far it has aeronautical simulator, high-speed simulator, in-hotel training room, make-up training room, physical training room and exercising room for kinds of specialized talents training needs. The school also signed up with many well-known companies to set up outside-campus training base to realize the dual purpose of education and improve the overall quality of students.

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